Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It is getting scary... My little commie rant for you today!

Politicians are like compulsive gamblers playing craps on your dime... Instead you should be playing" balance the budget roulette" with their heads. If  they fail to get it done, it's the politicians heads that comes off... has worked before , should work again...
Disgusted by Republicans who prefer a $2Tb deficit target (rather than $4TB) in exchange of no tax increases for the rich... the rich are freeloaders in US for way too long.... add to that... GAS should be $6.00 and all would be well in the US economy but no no no , country still controlled by archaic defense establishment, ethanol and the corn belt voters... makes me (&(*#@!!!!!

The Euro gold chart is the scariest I have ever seen. When Greece defaults, what will happen to the French Banks? In Italy, people are not waiting to find out, Italians and all investors are dumping banking stocks to the great rejoicing of short sellers...

Not going to be a quiet summer... Buy 'em gold... I am securing land in the Caribbean, we need to go to places where financiers are persona non grata. Just artists, cooks, beaches , and a barter economy! Coconuts anyone?

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